Your Essential Guide to Finding a Virginia Car Accident Attorney

Being involved in a car accident in Virginia can be a harrowing experience, leaving you dealing with injuries, medical bills, and lost wages. This makes finding a competent Virginia car accident attorney crucial for navigating the complexities of personal injury law and securing the compensation you deserve.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Seek medical attention immediately: Your health is paramount.
  • Document everything: Take photos, gather witness statements, and keep records of medical treatments.
  • Contact a Virginia car accident attorney as soon as possible: The sooner you get legal advice, the better your chances of a favorable outcome.

I am B. Patrick Agnew Esq. with nearly 20 years of experience representing injured and disabled clients across Virginia, including in auto accident cases. My background ensures that you are getting informed guidance from a seasoned Virginia car accident attorney to help navigate your legal journey.

Steps to take after a car accident - Virginia car accident attorney infographic infographic-line-3-steps

Understanding Car Accident Settlements in Virginia

Car accident settlements in Virginia can vary widely, depending on several factors. Here's what you need to know about the key elements that influence settlement amounts:

Average Settlement Amounts

The average compensation for a car accident involving bodily injury in the U.S. was $20,235 in 2020, according to the Insurance Information Institute. For property-damage-only claims, the average was $4,711. However, these are just averages. The actual amount you might receive will depend on the specifics of your case.

Injury Severity Levels

The severity of injuries greatly impacts the settlement amount. More severe injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord injuries, often result in higher settlements due to the extensive medical care required.

For example, a bicycle accident case handled by our firm settled for $1.3 million due to the severe injuries sustained by the victim. On the other hand, less severe injuries might result in smaller settlements.

Property Damage

Property damage is another critical factor. If your vehicle is severely damaged or totaled, the settlement will need to cover repair or replacement costs. In Virginia, claims seeking recovery solely for property damage have a filing deadline of five years following the date of the incident.

Lost Wages

Car accidents can lead to time off work, resulting in lost wages. Virginia law allows you to claim compensation for these lost wages. This includes not only the immediate time off but also potential future earnings if your ability to work is affected long-term.

Other Factors

Other factors that can influence your settlement include:

  • Pain and Suffering: You can request compensation for pain and suffering by sending a demand letter with supporting documentation.
  • Emotional Distress: Emotional and psychological impacts are also considered in settlements.
  • Fault: Virginia's contributory negligence law means you can only recover damages if the other party is 100% at fault.

Understanding these elements can help you better navigate the settlement process. For a more accurate estimate tailored to your situation, consult a seasoned Virginia car accident attorney.

Next, let's dive into why you need a Virginia car accident attorney to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Why You Need a Virginia Car Accident Attorney

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming. Insurance companies may seem helpful, but their primary goal is to save money for their business. This is why hiring a Virginia car accident attorney is crucial for protecting your rights and maximizing your compensation.

Insurance Companies: Not Your Friends

Insurance companies often dispute blame and may offer low settlements to avoid paying the full amount you deserve. They are experts in minimizing payouts. Without proper legal representation, you might find yourself accepting a settlement far below what is fair.

When you hire an accident lawyer, their job is to protect you, your rights, and your interests. They will handle all communications with the insurance companies, ensuring that you don’t inadvertently say something that could be used against you.

A skilled attorney will investigate your accident, gather evidence, and consult with experts if necessary. This comprehensive approach significantly increases the odds of getting a fair amount for your injuries.

Maximizing Compensation: More Than Just Medical Bills

A seasoned Virginia car accident attorney will fight to recover not just your medical expenses, but also other damages like lost wages, emotional distress, and long-term rehabilitation costs. They understand that the more painful and invasive the injury, the higher the potential damages you may recover.

At The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew PLLC, our primary goal is to ensure you receive the most financial compensation possible for your injuries. We offer a free consultation to evaluate your claim and determine the best course of action. Our experienced attorneys will handle all the complex details of your case, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Don’t let insurance companies take advantage of you. Reach out to B. Patrick Agnew Esq. for expert legal representation and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.

How to Choose the Right Virginia Car Accident Attorney

Choosing the right Virginia car accident attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Here’s what to look for:


An experienced attorney knows the ins and outs of Virginia car accident laws. They understand how to navigate the legal system and have a track record of handling similar cases successfully. For example, attorneys at B. Patrick Agnew Esq. have represented hundreds of injured individuals across Virginia, providing them with the expertise needed to secure favorable outcomes.


Your attorney should be more than just a legal representative—they should care about your well-being. Compassionate lawyers understand the emotional and physical toll a car accident can take. They will treat you with respect and ensure that your needs are prioritized. Testimonials often highlight how clients felt supported and understood during their difficult times, which is crucial for your peace of mind.


Look for attorneys with a proven history of winning cases similar to yours. Success stories and case studies can provide insight into what you can expect. B. Patrick Agnew Esq. has a history of obtaining substantial settlements and verdicts for their clients, reflecting their capability to handle complex cases effectively.

Client Testimonials

Client testimonials offer a glimpse into the attorney’s performance and client satisfaction. Positive feedback from previous clients can assure you that the attorney is reliable and competent. One client shared, “Everyone I dealt with at the firm was kind and professional. Given the unfortunate circumstances, they made the aftermath smooth. I am extremely grateful.”

Free Consultation

A free consultation allows you to discuss your case without any financial commitment. It’s an opportunity to gauge whether the attorney is the right fit for you. During this consultation, you can ask questions, understand the process, and get a sense of the attorney’s approach. B. Patrick Agnew Esq. offers free consultations, making it easier for you to get started without any upfront costs.

Choosing the right attorney involves considering these factors to ensure you have the best legal representation.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Virginia

Knowing what to do immediately after a car accident can significantly impact your legal standing and recovery. Here are the critical steps you should follow:

1. Notify the Police

First and foremost, call the police. A police report is an essential document that can help establish facts about the accident. It may prevent other parties from denying responsibility later. Virginia Code § 46.2-894 requires drivers to report accidents that result in injury, death, or significant property damage.

2. Gather Evidence

Collect as much information as possible at the scene. This includes:

  • Names, addresses, and phone numbers of other parties involved and any witnesses.
  • License plate numbers and insurance information.
  • Photos and videos of the accident scene, vehicle positions, damages, road conditions, and traffic signs.

Detailed documentation can be crucial in proving liability and supporting your claim.

3. Seek Medical Attention

Even if you feel fine, seek medical attention immediately. Some injuries, like whiplash or concussions, may not be apparent right away. A medical report can link your injuries to the accident, which is vital for any compensation claims. Delayed treatment can worsen symptoms and weaken your case.

4. Contact Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. Some policies require immediate reporting. Failing to do so might jeopardize your coverage for the accident and any injuries sustained.

5. Hire an Attorney

Finally, consult a Virginia car accident attorney. An experienced lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of your case, from dealing with insurance companies to ensuring you get the maximum compensation. B. Patrick Agnew Esq. offers free consultations, making it easier for you to get started without any upfront costs.

By following these steps, you can protect your rights and improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Next, we’ll explore the common causes of car accidents in Virginia.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Virginia

Car accidents in Virginia happen for various reasons, many of which are preventable. Understanding these common causes can help you stay safer on the road and know when you might need to consult a Virginia car accident attorney.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents in Virginia. The rise of smartphones has made this issue worse. Drivers often text, browse social media, or use navigation apps while driving. According to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, about 20% of traffic accidents in the state are due to distractions. Texting while driving is especially dangerous, making drivers 23 times more likely to crash.


Speeding is another major factor. In Virginia, exceeding speed limits or driving too fast for road conditions is common. The Virginia DMV reported that speeding was responsible for 349 deaths in a recent year, making up more than a third of all traffic fatalities. The higher the speed, the worse the impact and the more severe the injuries.

Impaired Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal and highly dangerous. Impaired drivers have slower reaction times and poor judgment, leading to accidents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that drunk drivers kill 30 people every day in the U.S. In Virginia, there's an alcohol-impaired traffic fatality every 50 minutes.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving includes behaviors like tailgating, changing lanes unpredictably, and speeding. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over half of surveyed drivers admitted to driving aggressively. This behavior increases the risk of accidents and makes the roads more dangerous for everyone.

Failure to Yield

Failure to yield often leads to accidents at intersections and driveways. This can happen when a driver makes a left turn in front of oncoming traffic or doesn't stop at a flashing red light. These accidents are common and can cause severe injuries.

Drowsy Driving

Fatigue affects many drivers. About 7.5 million drivers in the U.S. admit to falling asleep at the wheel within the past month. Drowsy driving impairs your ability to react quickly and make good decisions, similar to driving under the influence. This often leads to more severe accidents because fatigued drivers don't try to stop or avoid collisions.

Vehicle Defects

Sometimes, accidents happen due to mechanical failures or design flaws in vehicles. Always research a vehicle’s safety record before buying and follow the recommended maintenance schedule. If a defective vehicle or part caused your accident, the manufacturer might be liable.

Understanding these common causes can help you avoid accidents and know when to seek legal help. If you find yourself in an accident due to any of these reasons, consulting a Virginia car accident attorney can help you navigate the complexities of your case.

Next, we’ll look at the types of injuries commonly seen in Virginia car accidents.

Types of Injuries in Virginia Car Accidents

Car accidents can cause a wide range of injuries, from minor scrapes to life-altering trauma. Here are the most common types of injuries seen in Virginia car accidents:

Back and Neck Injuries

Back and neck injuries can range from mild strains to severe spinal cord damage. Whiplash is a common injury in rear-end collisions, causing neck pain and stiffness. More severe injuries can lead to long-term disability or paralysis.

Head Injuries

Head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), are serious concerns. Symptoms can include headaches, confusion, and cognitive impairments. Long-term effects may require extensive medical care and rehabilitation.

Internal Injuries

Internal injuries, such as damage to organs or internal bleeding, are not always immediately apparent. These injuries can be life-threatening and require urgent medical attention. Always seek medical evaluation after an accident to rule out internal injuries.

Rib and Torso Injuries

The rib cage protects vital organs, so injuries to this area can be dangerous. Broken ribs can puncture lungs or other organs, requiring immediate medical treatment. Torso injuries may also include damage to the liver, spleen, or kidneys.

Lacerations and Burns

High-speed collisions or accidents involving explosions can cause severe lacerations and burns. These injuries can be extremely painful and may require long-term treatment, including surgeries and skin grafts.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are common in car accidents, particularly in the arms and legs. These injuries often require weeks or months of healing and may need surgery to repair. Physical therapy is usually necessary to regain full mobility.

Seat Belt Injuries

While seat belts save lives, they can also cause injuries. The force of an accident combined with the restraining power of a seat belt can lead to broken ribs, sternum injuries, or soft tissue damage. Despite these risks, wearing a seat belt is crucial for overall safety.

Wrongful Death

In the most tragic cases, car accidents can result in fatalities. The family or heirs of the deceased may be eligible for compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. This can help cover medical expenses, funeral costs, and loss of income.

Understanding these potential injuries highlights the importance of seeking immediate medical attention and legal advice after an accident. A Virginia car accident attorney can help you navigate the complexities of your case and work towards securing the compensation you deserve.

Next, we’ll discuss Virginia's contributory negligence law and its impact on your ability to recover damages.

Virginia's Contributory Negligence Law

Virginia follows a contributory negligence rule, which can significantly impact your ability to recover damages after a car accident. Let's break down what this means and how it affects your case.

Understanding Negligence and Contributory Negligence

Negligence is a legal principle that holds someone financially responsible for harm they cause due to reckless or careless actions. In Virginia, if a driver is found negligent, they can be held liable for the resulting damages.

Contributory negligence is a much stricter rule. In Virginia, if you are found to be even 1% at fault for the accident, you are barred from recovering any damages. This means that proving the other party was entirely at fault is crucial.

The legal implications of contributory negligence are severe. Even a minor mistake on your part can prevent you from getting compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. This makes it essential to have a skilled Virginia car accident attorney who can build a strong case showing that the other driver was 100% at fault.

Insurance Company Tactics

Insurance companies are well aware of Virginia's contributory negligence rule. They often use this to their advantage by trying to get you to admit some level of fault. Here are some tactics they might use:

  • Recorded Statements: They may ask for a recorded statement and twist your words to imply partial fault.
  • Delaying Medical Treatment: If you delay seeking medical attention, they might argue that your injuries were not severe or were caused by something else.
  • Blame Shifting: They might try to find any small detail to shift some blame onto you.

It's crucial not to give a recorded statement to the insurance company without consulting your attorney. A Virginia car accident attorney can guide you on what to say and help protect your rights.

In the next section, we'll answer some frequently asked questions about car accident attorneys in Virginia.

Frequently Asked Questions about Virginia Car Accident Attorneys

What is the average car accident settlement in Virginia?

The average compensation for a car accident involving bodily injury in Virginia was approximately $20,235 in 2020, according to the Insurance Information Institute. For property-damage-only claims, the average was around $4,711. However, these are just averages. The actual value of your settlement will depend on several factors, including the severity of your injuries, the extent of property damage, and who was at fault.

How long after a car accident can you sue in VA?

In Virginia, you generally have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit for personal injuries, as per VA Code §8.01-243. For property damage claims, you have up to five years from the date of the accident. It's essential to act quickly and consult with a Virginia car accident attorney to ensure you don't miss these critical deadlines.

Is Virginia a no-fault state for car accidents?

No, Virginia is not a no-fault state. It follows an at-fault system, meaning the driver who is found to be responsible for the accident is also responsible for paying for the damages. Virginia also uses a "pure contributory negligence" standard, which means if you are found to be even 1% at fault for the accident, you cannot recover any damages. This makes it crucial to have an experienced Virginia car accident attorney to help prove that the other party was entirely at fault.


At B. Patrick Agnew Esq., we understand the complexities and stress that come with car accidents. Our mission is to provide personalized legal support tailored to your unique situation. We believe that every client deserves individual attention and a strategy that maximizes their compensation.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your case and answer any questions you may have. This initial meeting allows us to understand the specifics of your accident and determine the best course of action. We pride ourselves on transparency and will give you an honest assessment of your case's potential.

Our commitment to our clients is reflected in our results. We've helped numerous victims in Virginia recover the compensation they deserve for their injuries, lost wages, and emotional distress. As one satisfied client, Danielle R., shared, “The staff was very kind and professional. They kept me very informed on everything and were very pleasing and easy to work with... Definitely would recommend and go back to them for help again.”

Choosing the right Virginia car accident attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. With B. Patrick Agnew Esq., you can rest assured that you have a dedicated team fighting for your rights and working tirelessly to ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Don’t wait. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards your recovery.