Why Choosing the Right Car Accident Attorney in Virginia Beach Matters

If you're looking for a car accident attorney Virginia Beach, understanding the local accident statistics can be eye-opening. In 2021 alone, the busy streets of Virginia Beach saw 5,805 car accidents, averaging around 15 crashes a day. This led to 2,906 injuries and 34 tragic fatalities, highlighting the critical need for expert legal representation.

Legal representation is crucial. Insurance companies often try to minimize settlement offers or deny claims altogether. An experienced car accident attorney can steer these problems, ensuring you get fair compensation. In the following sections, we’ll provide detailed profiles of the top attorneys, explain the benefits of hiring a car accident lawyer, and guide you through the process of choosing the right one.

I am B. Patrick Agnew, Esq., an experienced attorney in Virginia. With nearly 20 years of experience in handling car accident and personal injury cases, I understand the local laws and courts well. Let's dive into why expert legal help is indispensable for your car accident case.

Top 5 Car Accident Attorneys in Virginia Beach - car accident attorney virginia beach infographic process-5-steps-informal

Choosing the right attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Next, we’ll explore why hiring a car accident attorney in Virginia Beach is crucial for your case.

Why Hire a Car Accident Attorney in Virginia Beach?

When you're involved in a car accident, navigating the aftermath can be overwhelming. Here’s why hiring a car accident attorney in Virginia Beach can make all the difference:

Compensation Challenges

Recovering from a car accident involves more than just physical healing. You may face medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Insurance companies often try to minimize payouts, making it hard to get the compensation you deserve. An experienced attorney can help you:

  • Evaluate the value of your claim: Understanding what your case is worth can prevent you from settling for less than you deserve.
  • Negotiate with insurance companies: Attorneys can counter lowball offers and push for a fair settlement.

Insurance Company Tactics

Insurance companies are businesses, and their goal is to minimize costs. They might use tactics like:

  • Delaying your claim: Hoping you’ll settle for less out of frustration.
  • Disputing liability: Arguing that you were partly or wholly at fault.
  • Lowball offers: Offering settlements that don’t cover all your expenses.

An attorney can take over communication with insurance representatives, ensuring your rights are protected and you aren’t taken advantage of.

Navigating the legal system can be complex, especially with Virginia’s pure contributory negligence standard. This means you can only recover damages if the other party is 100% at fault. Even being 1% at fault can bar you from compensation. An attorney’s expertise can benefit you by:

  • Handling paperwork: Legal documents can be confusing and time-consuming. Your attorney will manage this, ensuring everything is correctly filed.
  • Answering your questions: You’ll have questions about your case, and your lawyer will provide the answers you need.
  • Representing you in court: While most cases settle out of court, if yours goes to trial, you’ll want an experienced attorney by your side.

Hiring a car accident attorney in Virginia Beach can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. For a free consultation, call 434.847.9066 or schedule here.

What Types of Damages Can You Claim After a Car Accident?

Car accidents can turn your life upside down. The good news is that in Virginia Beach, you can seek compensation for your losses. Damages fall into three main categories: economic, non-economic, and punitive.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are meant to make you financially whole. They cover monetary losses directly related to the accident. Here are some common types:

  • Medical bills: This includes hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and follow-up appointments.
  • Physical therapy: Rehabilitation costs to help you regain mobility and strength.
  • Vocational rehabilitation: Training for a new job if you’re unable to return to your previous work.
  • Disability: Compensation for any permanent or temporary disabilities.
  • Lost wages: Income you missed out on while recovering.
  • Lost job opportunities: Future earnings you lose because of long-term injuries.
  • Property damage: Costs to repair or replace your vehicle.
  • Nursing care: Expenses for in-home care or assisted living.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages compensate you for the emotional and psychological toll of the accident. These are harder to quantify but are equally important:

  • Pain and suffering: Physical pain and emotional distress stemming from the accident.
  • Physical disfigurement and scarring: Impact on your appearance and self-esteem.
  • Reduced quality of life: Inability to enjoy activities you once loved.
  • Loss of consortium: Strain on your relationship with a spouse or family.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Emotional trauma affecting your daily life.
  • Emotional distress: Anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues caused by the accident.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are rare but can be awarded in cases where the defendant’s actions were especially egregious. These damages are meant to punish and deter:

  • Gross negligence: If the driver’s actions were recklessly irresponsible.
  • Intentional misconduct: Cases involving extreme intoxication or hit-and-run incidents.

For example, accidents involving extremely intoxicated drivers often see punitive damages. These cases aim to send a strong message against such behavior.

Understanding these types of damages can help you know what to expect and how to prepare your claim. For personalized advice, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq. This information is not intended as legal advice; consult an attorney to discuss your specific case.

How to Choose the Right Car Accident Attorney in Virginia Beach

Choosing the right car accident attorney in Virginia Beach can make a big difference in your case. Here are some key factors to consider:


Experience matters. An attorney with years of experience in handling car accident cases will know the ins and outs of the legal system. They can steer complex paperwork, deal with insurance companies, and represent you in court if necessary.

For instance, The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq. has a team of experienced attorneys who have handled numerous car accident cases. Their knowledge and expertise can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Client Testimonials

What do past clients say? Client testimonials can give you a glimpse into an attorney’s performance and how they treat their clients. Look for reviews that mention successful case outcomes, good communication, and overall satisfaction.

Here’s an example of what you might find in a testimonial:

"The team at The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq. was amazing. They handled everything and kept me informed every step of the way. I couldn't have asked for better representation."

Case Results

An attorney’s track record is crucial. Look for attorneys who have a history of winning cases similar to yours. Successful case results can indicate their ability to secure favorable outcomes.

For instance, The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq. has secured significant settlements and verdicts for their clients. This demonstrates their capability and commitment to achieving the best results.

Free Consultation

Many attorneys offer a free consultation to discuss your case. This is a great opportunity to evaluate whether they are the right fit for you. During the consultation, ask about their experience, approach to your case, and any other questions you might have.

To schedule a free consultation with The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq., click here.

Choosing the right car accident attorney is a critical step in your journey to recovery. Their experience, client testimonials, case results, and the availability of a free consultation can guide you in making the best choice. This information is not intended as legal advice; consult an attorney to discuss your specific case.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Virginia Beach

Car accidents in Virginia Beach can happen for many reasons. Knowing these causes can help you stay safe and understand what might have led to your accident.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents. It includes activities like texting, talking on the phone, eating, or using in-car technologies. In Virginia, it’s illegal to hold a cell phone while driving. This law aims to reduce accidents caused by distractions. Always keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is another major cause of accidents. Alcohol impairs judgment, slows reaction times, and decreases coordination. In Virginia Beach, strict laws are in place to deter drunk driving, including severe penalties for those caught driving under the influence. If you’ve been hit by a drunk driver, an experienced car accident attorney in Virginia Beach can help you seek justice.


Speeding not only increases the likelihood of an accident but also the severity of injuries sustained. Speed limits are set based on road conditions and traffic patterns to ensure safety. Ignoring these limits can lead to catastrophic accidents.

Road Conditions

Poor road conditions can also contribute to accidents. Potholes, uneven surfaces, and inadequate signage can make driving hazardous. Weather conditions like rain, snow, and fog further complicate driving, making it essential to adjust your speed and driving habits accordingly.

Vehicle Defects

Sometimes, the cause of an accident isn’t the driver but the vehicle. Defective brakes, tire blowouts, and malfunctioning airbags are just a few examples of vehicle defects that can lead to accidents. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to recall notices can help mitigate these risks.

If you’ve been involved in a car accident due to any of these reasons, contact The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq. for a free consultation click here. This information is not intended as legal advice; consult an attorney to discuss your specific case.

Car Accident - car accident attorney virginia beach

Choosing the right car accident attorney is a critical step in your journey to recovery. Their experience, client testimonials, case results, and the availability of a free consultation can guide you in making the best choice. This information is not intended as legal advice; consult an attorney to discuss your specific case.

Frequently Asked Questions about Car Accident Attorneys in Virginia Beach

How much can someone sue for a car accident in Virginia?

The amount you can sue for after a car accident in Virginia depends on several factors, including the severity of your injuries and the impact on your life. According to the National Safety Council, the average cost of a car accident with evident injuries was $345,000 in 2020. For disabling injuries, the average cost shot up to $1.252 million.

However, these are just averages. Your settlement could be different based on:

  • How your injuries have changed your life
  • Whether those changes are temporary or permanent
  • The extent of medical treatment required
  • Impact on your earning capacity

Each case is unique. For personalized guidance, schedule a free consultation with The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq. click here.

Is Virginia a no-fault state for auto accidents?

No, Virginia is an at-fault state. This means you can seek compensation from the party responsible for the accident. You will typically file a claim against their insurance company. If the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, you can turn to your own insurance for compensation.

Insurance Requirements in Virginia:

  • Liability insurance: Covers damages you cause to others.
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage: Required to protect you if the at-fault driver lacks adequate insurance.

Virginia's at-fault system can be complex. Consulting an experienced attorney can help you steer these challenges.

Do you have to report an accident in Virginia?

Yes, you must report a car accident in Virginia if it involves injury, death, or property damage. Failing to do so can have legal consequences.

Reporting Obligations:

  • Provide your name, address, driver’s license number, and vehicle identification number to police, anyone injured, and the owners of damaged property.
  • File a report with the Virginia State Police or local law enforcement.

Failing to report an accident can result in penalties and impact your ability to claim compensation. For expert advice on handling your case, schedule a free consultation.

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be daunting. For personalized legal support, contact The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq. for a free consultation. This information is not intended as legal advice; consult an attorney to discuss your specific case.


Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be daunting. For personalized legal support, contact The Law Office of B. Patrick Agnew Esq. for a free consultation click here. This information is not intended as legal advice; consult an attorney to discuss your specific case.